If you would like to get in touch with our Marketing & Press Department please contact:
Shaní Gerszenzon
King’s Group Press Officer
Phone: +34 913 459 946
Web: www.kingsgroup.org
Press Release: Mrs Adele Stanford, appointed as new Headteacher of King’s College, The British School of Latvia
Press Release: King’s College, The British School of Latvia celebrates British Week in Riga
Press Release: King’s College, The British School of Latvia inaugurates a new Admissions Office in Riga
Press Release: King’s College, The British School of Latvia Opens in September 2017
Press Release: Nicholas Fry, King’s Group CDO inaugurates King’s College, The British School of Latvia at official Ground-Breaking Event 20.5.16
Press Release: King’s Group wins the “Private Education Group of the Year” award.